1. Problem: refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow
When pushing to github an error orccurs
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/htl-leonding/xxx.git' To https://github.com/htl-leonding/xxx.git ! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [remote rejected] (refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow `.github/workflows/ci.yml` without `workflow` scope) Done
2. For IntelliJ
In your Github account, go to Settings (in your avatar dropdown in the top right-hand corner)
Go to Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens
If your application is listed, click on its name to edit the settings associated with its OAuth token. Make sure workflow is ticked.
Click on Update Token to save the change.
On the same page, click on Generate Token. Read the information carefully, then click OK to continue.
Copy the new token that Github shows you.
You will need to recreate your application’s integration with Github using the new token for the change to take effect.
In IntelliJ, the last step was to go to Settings > Version Control > GitHub, then remove the existing integration and re-add it, pasting in the new token. You’ll have to find out what needs to be done for the tool you’re using to give it the new GitHub OAuth token.
3. For Windows 10
Go to Settings → Credentials Manager → Windows Credentials → Remove github.com credentials → git pull/push your github project from git-bash console → Reconnect GitHub Account in your IDE/Source control. You don’t need create Personal Access Token with "workflow", you don';t need create secret GITHUB_TOKEN (it creates auto and can’t created manual)